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BBC 安妮·博林的最后岁月2.0

类型:欧美综艺 综艺 英国 2013 


导演:Rob Coldstream 

BBC 安妮·博林的最后岁月剧情简介

《BBC 安妮·博林的最后岁月》上映于 2013年,是一部英国制片出品,由塔拉·布雷思纳克等主演的综艺,对白语言为英语。

  Anne Boleyn is one of the most famous and controversial women in British history. In 1536, she became the first queen in Britain's history to be executed. The brutal speed of her downfall, and the astonishing nature of the charges against her - treason, adultery, even incest - makes her story shocking even to this day.
  Yet whilst we know how Anne died, the story of why she had to go and who authored her violent end has been the subject of fiery debate across six centuries. In a radical new approach to televised history, a stellar cast of writers and historians, including Hilary Mantel, David Starkey, Philippa Gregory and others, battle out the story of her last days and give their own unique interpretations of her destruction.

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